Abundant Life Women's Ministries exists to fulfill the greatest commandment and the great commission:
Love God, love our neighbor, and make disciples.
We share the gospel of Jesus Christ to inspire both women and men to love the Lord and their neighbor by helping the most vulnerable among us–women facing unexpected pregnancies and their unborn children.
We teach the Biblical view of life in the womb to inspire the church to be a voice for the unborn, a safe place for women or couples facing unplanned pregnancies, and a source of hope and healing for those affected by the devastating impact of abortion.

Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story—
those He redeemed from the hand of the enemy.
Psalm 107:2
Melissa Dykman
I'm a nurse, wife, and homeschool mom of three children. In 2005 I married my husband, Todd, who had two daughters from his first marriage. I learned to navigate and overcome many trials that blended families often go through.
I am passionate about standing for God's truth in a culture that often lies to us.
My goal is to help women grow in Christ and inspire them to stand for life.

Mara Petro
My story is a cautionary tale and a testimony of God's faithfulness. I deeply regret having an abortion and an affair. By God's grace, I have been saved, forgiven, and redeemed. I'm a grateful wife, mom, grandma, writer, and speaker, advocating for pre-born children and abundant life in Christ.
I'm passionate about studying the Bible and live to tell everyone about God's redeeming love and the transforming power of believing that Jesus is enough.
Abundant Life Women's Ministries was founded to help women live abundant lives through the power of the gospel. We believe that every woman is a unique image bearer of God and we are committed to equipping them with the tools and knowledge to defend and uphold the dignity of all God's image bearers.
Through our teachings, gatherings, and resources, Melissa and Mara guide women on a transformative journey of faith, helping them discover their true identity and purpose in Christ. Join us on this incredible adventure and experience the abundant life that God has in store for you!

Abundant Life
Mission and Vision
To inspire women to love Jesus and live abundantly for Him.
To inspire the church to be a voice for the unborn, a safe place to turn to in a crisis pregnancy, and a place of hope and healing for post-abortive women and men.
Core beliefs and purpose:
The Bible and prayer are the foundation of our life and ministry.
We exist to fulfill the greatest commandment – to love the Lord our God and love our neighbor, with emphasis on the most vulnerable neighbor in the womb and the mom carrying them.
We exist to fulfill the great commission – to disciple women in Christ and teach them to trust and obey Jesus wholeheartedly.
We educate women about the sanctity of human life. Our goal is to prepare them to serve the Lord by teaching their children to defend and cherish life, and also provide support to mothers in unplanned pregnancies to help them choose life for their babies and abundant life for themselves.
We collaborate with churches and other pro-life ministries to offer the best resources for women desiring to make life-giving choices and those needing post-abortive healing.
Our guiding verses:
John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
Proverbs 24:11-12 "Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, 'But we knew nothing about this,' does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?"